AICTI has established policies, procedures, and fees that govern certification decisions, the
uses of certification, and interactions with applicants and certificants. These policies,
procedures, and fees may be changed by AICTI at any time without prior notification. These
policies, procedures, and fees are freely available on AICTI’s website ( Each
person who signs any AICTI application accepts and agrees to follow these policies and
procedures in all dealings with AICTI.
Each AICTI certification may have multiple criteria that must be met by a candidate in order
for the certification to be conferred. These criteria may be changed by AICTI at any time
without prior notification. Current criteria, along with general information about AICTI and
its certification programs, are available from AICTI’s website ( Individuals
who are not resident in, or working in, the United States or its territories may not be
eligible for certification. These individuals must contact AICTI before applying and may be
required to follow additional procedures, with additional fees, to demonstrate that they meet
the criteria.
Candidates agree that in order to become AICTI certified, they must meet these requirements in
addition to passing the examinations:
Demonstrate that they possess the required work history and document the necessary
performance verification (applicable to all levels) by documentation through the candidate
Provide appropriate personal recommendations if applying for Level III or Level IV
certification through the candidate portal
Provide a major project description if applying for Level IV certification through the
candidate portal
All applicants, candidates, and certificants must comply with the AICTI Code of Ethics (see
previous page) and follow generally accepted ethical practices at all times. For example,
acquiring and/or providing specific knowledge of test questions prior to testing, or acquiring
or providing assistance during an examination; intentionally providing information to AICTI
that is incomplete, or inaccurate; or knowingly providing technical services in an unsafe,
inaccurate, or unprofessional manner may subject the offender to any number of sanctions,
including legal prosecution.
AICTI reserves the right to deny, suspend, or revoke any certification (pending or awarded)
should the Institute determine that an applicant, candidate, or certificant has misrepresented
information, violated a AICTI policy or procedure, or violated the AICTI Code of Ethics.
Maintenance of current accurate contact information is the responsibility of the applicant.
AICTI requires accurate contact information to communicate to the applicant important
information related to testing, certification, and recertification.
The AICTI name, logo, and certification mark are the property of AICTI and may not be used
without the expressed written permission of the Institute.
AICTI approval letters, wallet cards, and certificates are issued to certificants for their
use but remain AICTI property at all times and may be recalled by the Institute at any time
without prior notification.
AICTI test questions and examinations are the copyrighted property of AICTI. Any copying,
sharing, or distribution of the content of those test questions and/or examinations
constitutes copyright infringement and is a violation of U. S. federal law. Violators will be
subject to suspension or revocation of AICTI status and/or prosecution to the full extent of
the law.
Each person who signs a AICTI application grants AICTI the right to contact individuals named
in application materials or other communications with AICTI to confirm the accuracy of
information provided by the applicant.
AICTI certification must be used, represented, and displayed in accordance with AICTI
policies. AICTI certification does not constitute a license to practice engineering.
Each person who signs a AICTI application grants AICTI the right to publish their name,
address, and certification information in its certification directories and to provide that
information to others in response to bonafide inquiries. Test scores will be given to the
test-taker only, unless the test-taker submits a release form authorizing AICTI to give the
scores to another specified individual.
The applicant’s Social Security number or government-issued ID number is required for
identification purposes. It will be used for AICTI internal use ONLY and will not be given to
anyone else without legitimate legal reason.
An applicant’s test records will be purged for an individual certification area after five
years if no further testing is completed in that certification area and the individual is not
certified in that area. If the applicant has active certifications or is actively testing in
other certification areas, the records for those other certification areas will not be
An applicant with a disability as defined in Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act
who may be placed at a disadvantage when taking a AICTI certification examination must advise
AICTI, in writing, of their needs by including a letter or other appropriate documentation
with their application. AICTI will respond by telephone or other means to make appropriate
All certifications expire three years after an individual’s initial certification is awarded
and every third year thereafter. Recertification will be based on the certificant’s activities
during that three-year period. Requirements and fees may be found in AICTI’s Continuing
Professional Development Policy. Several months before expiration, a recertification
application will be sent to the last postal or email address provided by the certificant. If
the application with payment is not received by AICTI prior to the expiration date, the
certificate will expire. Reinstatement to Active Status will involve an additional fee. If
reinstatement has not occurred three years after the expiration date, all certifications and
all testing records will be purged. Payment of new testing and/or application fees does not
substitute for payment of the full recertification fee when due. Additionally, obtaining a
higher-level AICTI certification does not alter or “reset” the originally established
three-year certification period.