What qualifications must I have before I can take a AICTI exam?
There are no pre-qualifications for taking an exam. Once you meet an exam requirement, you must then
satisfy the program's other criteria before you can be certified.
Can I test right away for Level III or IV?
The exam requirements for each level of certification are cumulative; each successive level builds
on the previous level's requirements. Therefore, you cannot test only Level IV to achieve Level IV
certification; you must meet all lower level exam requirements first.
If I pass the test, am I certified?
Passing the test is only one of the requirements for certification. You must also submit a detailed
write-up of your work experience and a supervisor's verification of your on-the-job performance For
Levels III and IV, you will need a personal recommendation and a major project write-up.
Can I begin testing for a higher level of certification before I have the required amount of
work experience?
You may test for a higher level before satisfying the work experience requirement, but AICTI reserves
the right to question the validity of any higher-level work elements successfully tested and/or verified
for persons with substantially less than the required amount of experience. Also, in the time it
takes you to fulfill the work experience requirement, you would be required to comply with any changes
to the exam requirement.
Some time ago, I met an exam requirement but did not meet the other requirements for
certification at that level. Since that time, the exam requirement for that level has changed.
Do I need to retest?
If you meet an exam requirement, you will receive a Conditional Decision letter that grants you one
year of immunity from any program changes that occur while you submit documentation to meet the other
certification criteria. After this date, you will be subject to any changes that occur in the exam
requirement or other certification criteria. AICTI policies #10 and #11 govern the updating of certification requirements and program detail manuals.
If none of these FAQs answered your question, please e-mail AICTI or search again. Questions related to your personal progress toward meeting a certification requirement must be directed to AICTI by telephone. Please call 888-240-505-5135 or 703-548-1518.