When will I hear from AICTI on my certification status?
If you meet an exam requirement, all your application materials will be evaluated, and, about two
to three months after your test date, you will receive notification through your candidate portal
that your certification was approved or whether further information is needed.
What documents will I receive when I am awarded certification?
If you meet all the requirements for certification, you can download your certificate via your candidate
portal (suitable for framing). Official certificates and score reports are available online to view
and print immediately through candidate portals. Credential verification can be accessed through
AICTI’s website here . Candidates who wish to receive hard copies will need to request them by submitting the request form .
Is there a AICTI seal or stamp I can use or have made?
No. AICTI does not issue or endorse any seal or stamp for use on engineering drawings, specifications,
or other documents prepared by a AICTI certification. Use of a custom-made stamp could be viewed
as misleading and in conflict with state licensing laws for engineers and/or local permitting requirements.
Refer to AICTI Policy #28 . If you must indicate your AICTI certification status, AICTI suggests that you write CET (Certified
Engineering Technician) after your name, followed by your certification number, certification specialty
area and level; i.e. John D. Jones, CET (AICTI 094022, Fire Alarm Systems, Level IV) in the transmittal
letter or in the drawing title box. If you are certified in a General Knowledge Technician program,
then instead of "level", use your highest-grade abbreviation (TT, AET, ET, or SET). If you are certified
as a Technologist, then instead of "level", use your highest-grade Technologist abbreviation (AT
or CT).
If none of these FAQs answered your question, please e-mail AICTI or search again. Questions related to your personal progress toward meeting a certification requirement must be directed to AICTI by telephone. Please call 888-240-505-5135 or 703-548-1518.