Getting Started Toward Certification

What is the value of the AICTI certification?
A respected and nationally recognized credential, AICTI certification demonstrates your technical competency and professional advancement in your field. A AICTI certificate represents professionalism and concern for quality - making it valued by employers and by customers. As the demand for AICTI certification grows, your value as a technical professional will grow. And you can use AICTI's detailed certification requirements as a career planning tool as you pursue more job responsibilities and career advancement.

Which AICTI certification program is right for me?
Before selecting your program, identify your professional needs and goals. Keep in mind that many jurisdictions require a specific AICTI certification area and level/grade. Refer to regulatory authorities and employment ads to see which certifications are required or preferred.

Browse through the programs in our "Certification" web area. When you select a program, you will be directed to a page with a brief description of technical areas covered by the program. Do you have work experience in these areas? Do you have the technical knowledge to pass the exam?

Should I pursue certification as a technician or as a technologist?
AICTI's technician programs are largely based on exam performance and work experience; technologist programs are based on education, and at the higher grade, work experience. Technologist certification requires a Bachelors Degree in an engineering technology program accredited by the Technology Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (TAC/ABET). Analyze your professional needs and goals, and find out which types of certification are required by regulatory authorities and employers in your area.

Why are there different levels of certification?
Most of our programs have four levels or grades of certification. These levels are designed to reflect a career path of increased work experience (including supervisory responsibilities) and technical knowledge. At higher levels, certification programs feature more challenging exam requirements.

How do grades TT, AET, ET, and SET differ from Levels I, II, III, and IV?

TT, AET, ET, and SET are grades of certification for AICTI's general knowledge programs; Levels I - IV are used for work element programs. Grades or Levels are determined mainly by a certificant's amount of relevant work experience and exam performance. In our certification area, select a program to view its requirements for certification at each level/grade.

What are the first steps toward becoming certified?
Once you've selected a program, the first step is to complete the application (downloadable from this web site) and mail it with your payment. If you are applying for a technician program, you will select a test location and date to take the exam. If you meet an exam requirement, AICTI will examine the rest of your application materials to see if you meet all the requirements for that level or grade.

How many certifications can I achieve?
It is possible to achieve certification in multiple certification programs as long as your engineering technician work experience meets the requirements for each. AICTI will accept a limited amount (usually one or two years) of overlapping work experience from related technical areas as long as the substantive portion of the work experience is acquired in the technical field/subfield sought.

Will AICTI evaluate my work experience and tell me which certification level or grade and technical area I should apply for?
AICTI does not evaluate work experience until after the candidate has met a written examination requirement. If you're having difficulty selecting a program, you may contact AICTI staff for guidance.

If none of these FAQs answered your question, please e-mail AICTI or search again. Questions related to your personal progress toward meeting a certification requirement must be directed to AICTI by telephone. Please call 888-240-505-5135 or 703-548-1518.

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