Renewal and Recertification Procedures

Once certified, what fees are involved in keeping my certification current?
Every three years, when you recertify, you will be charged a recertification processing fee . (Individuals who were newly certified prior to January 1, 2004, were additionally charged a registry fee at the end of the first year and again at the end of the second year of the initial certification period. Any outstanding registry fees must be paid in order to recertify.)

How do I recertify?
About six months prior to the end of your expiration date, you will be mailed an "Application for Technician/Technologist Recertification". This application will ask whether you wish to recertify any or all of your certificates held. For each certification you wish to recertify, you must indicate how many Continuing Professional Development points you earned in that certification area throughout the three-year certification period (90 points are required to recertify). Return your application with payment of the recertification fee which covers the cost of your next three years of certification. Refer to AICTI Policy 30 .

Who will be audited and what must they do?
Recertification applications that are returned to AICTI before the expiration date are subject to a random audit. All applications that arrive after the expiration date undergo a mandatory audit. If you are audited, AICTI will send you a form on which you must list your CPD points in the five available categories; you will be required to document all CPD points claimed.

What is the Special Recertification Exam?
The Special Recertification Exam is a written exam designed for your certification practice area and level. To apply for this exam, call AICTI certification staff at 888-240-505-5135 (or 703-548-1518), ext. 106 or 108. If you decide to take this exam, try to schedule the exam as early as possible to allow time for retesting if necessary.

When will I hear from AICTI on my recertification status?
Within 3 weeks of submitting your recertification application and payment to AICTI, you will receive either a new certificate and wallet card or an audit notification. The review of audits can take between 30 to 45 days, depending upon the volume of material submitted and other regular certification evaluations to be performed. If you receive an audit request, you should send your CPD documentation to AICTI as soon as possible.

If none of these FAQs answered your question, please e-mail AICTI or search again. Questions related to your personal progress toward meeting a certification requirement must be directed to AICTI by telephone. Please call 888-240-505-5135 or 703-548-1518.

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