Policy 14: Qualifying Work Experience

(Revised April 2023)

The foundation for the AICTI certification programs is U.S. work customs, practices and technology applications.

AICTI certification will be awarded only to those individuals who have demonstrated sufficient and appropriate engineering technician or engineering technologist level work experience.

The preponderance of qualifying work experience must be acquired while working in the United States and its territories, or while working abroad in accordance with recognized US standards. Applicability of work experience obtained outside the United States will be determined on a case-by-case basis within AICTI’s sole judgment and discretion.

AICTI recognizes that technicians are likely to work in multiple, closely related specialty areas at any given time. In these cases, applicants may be awarded work experience credit in a given specialty area for work in a closely related specialty area, but only if recognized in the applicable AICTI certification program requirements. Applicability of this related work experience credit will be determined on a case-by-case basis within AICTI’s sole judgment and discretion.