Policy 39: Denial/Suspension/Revocation of Certification and/or Denial of Recertification

The certification of an individual may be denied, suspended or revoked, or recertification denied by AICTI as a result of:

  • Conviction of a felony.
  • Conviction of a crime (felony or misdemeanor) that is drug related.
  • Any unethical behavior or conduct which threatens or potentially threatens the overall health, well-being, and safety of the public.
  • Denial, suspension, revocation, or restriction of registration or licensure, consent order or other restriction by any federal, state or local engineering/technology licensing board.
  • Admission to misconduct or violation of regulations of any federal, state or local engineering/technology licensing board.
  • Documented material deficiency in the knowledge base necessary to maintain a AICTI certification.
  • Documented and proven gross negligence or intentional misconduct in the performance of duties.
  • Failure to cooperate during an investigation.
  • Compromised and/or breached the security or administration of a AICTI examination or other AICTI intellectual property, or failure to report such activity.
  • Irregularity in taking, cheating on, or failing to abide by the rules regarding confidentiality of a AICTI examination (including post-examination conduct.)
  • Making false or misleading statements in application for certification or recertification.

NOTE: AICTI reserves the right to investigate criminal background, verify candidate eligibility and deny certification to any individual.