Group “A”: All of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to: | |
0209-1101 | Determine and wear personal protective equipment (PPE). |
0209-1102 | Attend safety training. |
0209-1103 | Inspect soils test equipment. |
0209-1104 | Identify unsafe conditions. |
0209-1105 | Apply job safety analyses. |
0209-1106 | Obtain soils samples. |
0209-1107 | Identify type of materials sampled. |
0209-1108 | Reduce soils sample to test size. |
0209-1109 | Dry the soils samples. |
0209-1110 | Determine the weight of the soil samples. |
0209-1111 | Process the soils samples through a sieve. |
0209-1112 | Moisture-condition the soils samples. |
0209-1113 | Identify type of material at field density test locations. |
0209-1114 | Perform assigned field density tests. |
0209-1115 | Perform Atterberg limit tests. |
0209-1116 | Perform Proctor tests. |
0209-1117 | Perform soils sieve analyses. |
0209-1118 | Perform soils (washed) -No. 200 sieve tests. |
0209-1119 | Perform moisture content tests. |
0209-1120 | Verify soils test equipment calibrations. |
Group “B”: At least 8 of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to: | |
0209-1121 | Relate plans to the field (e.g. find locations on plans and establish relative elevations). |
0209-1122 | Document soils sample locations. |
0209-1123 | Transport soils samples back to the laboratory. |
0209-1124 | Log soils samples or I.D. the samples for laboratory testing. |
0209-1125 | Identify where to take the field density tests. |
0209-1126 | Determine the number of field density tests. |
0209-1127 | Document field density test locations. |
0209-1128 | Document results of field density tests. |
0209-1129 | Document field density test limitations. |
0209-1130 | Inform client of presence. |
0209-1131 | Give verbal report of observations to supervisor. |
0209-1132 | Complete soils testing forms. |
Group “A”: All of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to: | |
0209-3101 | Determine density test method. |
0209-3102 | Perform particle size analyses. |
0209-3103 | Perform specific gravity tests. |
0209-3104 | Observe basic fill placement operations. |
0209-3105 | Observe basic shallow foundation installations. |
0209-3106 | Observe basic installations of deep foundations. |
0209-3107 | Observe proof-rolling. |
0209-3108 | Determine whether results meet specifications. |
0209-3109 | Perform verification/calibration of test equipment. |
Group “B”: At least 10 of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to: | |
0209-3110 | Relate plans to the field (e.g., find locations on plans, establish relative elevations). |
0209-3111 | Determine soils sampling locations. |
0209-3112 | Document soils sampling locations. |
0209-3113 | Determine number of required field density tests. |
0209-3114 | Document field density test locations. |
0209-3115 | Document field density test results. |
0209-3116 | Document field density test limitations. |
0209-3117 | Perform dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) tests. |
0209-3118 | Perform unconfined compressions. |
0209-3119 | Perform soils organic content tests. |
0209-3120 | Perform laboratory California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests. |
0209-3121 | Perform soils pH tests. |
0209-3122 | Perform testing for soil stabilization mix trials. |
0209-3123 | Perform shrinkage tests. |
0209-3124 | Perform R-Value tests. |
0209-3125 | Observe soil stabilization (e.g., cement, fly ash, lime). |
0209-3126 | Recognize suspect test results. |
0209-3127 | Prepare written reports for supervisors. |
0209-3128 | Give verbal reports to field representatives, consultants, and contractors. |
Group “A”: All of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to: | |
0209-5101 | Provide internal safety training |
0209-5102 | Prepare internal safety plans |
0209-5103 | Create a soils sampling program |
0209-5104 | Observe complex fill placements |
0209-5105 | Observe complex shallow foundations |
0209-5106 | Observe complex installations of deep foundations |
0209-5107 | Perform verification/calibration of soils testing equipment |
0209-5108 | Maintain verification/calibration documentation of soils testing equipment |
0209-5109 | Train Level I and II soils technicians on standards for testing procedures |
Group “B”: At least 13 of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to: | |
0209-5110 | Relate plans to field conditions (i.e., determine distances, locations, elevations) |
0209-5111 | Calculate quantities of material |
0209-5112 | Implement a soils sampling program (i.e., sample retrieval, documentation, processing) |
0209-5113 | Implement soils sampling preparation processes (i.e., drying, splitting, sieving, moisture conditioning) |
0209-5114 | Remold soil samples for specialized testing |
0209-5115 | Observe pile load tests |
0209-5116 | Perform soils field resistivity tests |
0209-5117 | Perform soils infiltration tests |
0209-5118 | Perform field CBR tests |
0209-5119 | Identify type of materials tested |
0209-5120 | Document assigned test limitations |
0209-5121 | Perform soils consolidation tests |
0209-5122 | Perform soils swell tests |
0209-5123 | Perform soils stabilization mix designs |
0209-5124 | Perform soils direct shear tests |
0209-5125 | Perform constant head permeability tests |
0209-5126 | Perform soils triaxial tests |
0209-5127 | Perform soils falling head permeability tests |
0209-5128 | Perform lab resistivity tests for soils |
0209-5129 | Perform soils expansion index tests |
0209-5130 | Perform soils resilient modulus tests |
0209-5131 | Perform plate bearing tests |
0209-5132 | Observe complex soil stabilization operations |
0209-5133 | Determine whether soils test results meet specifications |
0209-5134 | Identify suspect soils test data |
0209-5135 | Prepare soils test data sheets |
0209-5136 | Prepare preliminary soils reports for clients |
0209-5137 | Make preliminary interpretations of soils test and observation results |
Group “A”: All of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to: | |
0209-7101 | Create a complex soils sampling program |
0209-7102 | Perform preliminary interpretations of test data |
0209-7103 | Create a record keeping system for equipment calibration/maintenance and technician training |
0209-7104 | Train Level I, II, and III technicians for field and laboratory testing |
0209-7105 | Verify and document technician proficiency |
Group “B”: At least 8 of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to: | |
0209-7106 | Lead internal safety meetings |
0209-7107 | Develop project budgets and estimates |
0209-7108 | Oversee sample preparation activities performed by Level I, II, or III technicians |
0209-7109 | Perform CBR with shear tests |
0209-7110 | Perform complex (high load) pile load tests |
0209-7111 | Calculate mix proportions for soils stabilization projects |
0209-7112 | Interpret soils test results |
0209-7113 | Prepare geotechnical reports |
0209-7114 | Resolve soils field problems |
0209-7115 | Troubleshoot and identify suspect soils test data |
0209-7116 | Create a quality systems documentation program |
0209-7117 | Approve outside vendors for equipment calibration |
0209-7118 | Schedule outside vendors for equipment calibration |
0209-7119 | Resolve communication and related work conflicts |