Application Procedures

Certification — Certification is awarded to individuals who meet a set of industry-specified requirements. The criteria fall into two main categories: written exams and work experience.

Preparing for Certification — AICTI tests are oriented toward job knowledge and skills. Most of what is needed to pass the exam should be acquired by a proactive technician over the course of working and learning for the job.

Content Outlines — Guides to the areas that are covered on the tests. Content Outlines are found on each program page.

Selected General References — Lists of some resources that subject-matter experts felt might be helpful in developing the knowledge for that Level of certification. (No particular books, training, or education programs are required or endorsed for certification.) Selected General References are found on each program page.

Testing — Each program has a test or tests that must be passed for each level. Tests are taken using computers that will be provided at proctored test sites.

Testing Application — Apply online through the candidate portal on AICTI's web site. See "Additional Information", below, for more information about Online Access.

Testing applications lead to an authorization from AICTI to schedule your exam at Pearson VUE.

Fees — Each test has a unique fee. (See Fees page.)

Testing Window — During the application process, applicants are provided with a six-month window, during which they will take their exam. The window allows for flexibility to schedule a convenient test date.

Scheduling — Once payment is complete click "Schedule" in the candidate portal to schedule the exam location and time with Pearson VUE. Online remote proctoring is available for Level I exams. To receive the most convenient scheduling options, it is highly encouraged to reserve your location and time as soon as possible.

Pearson VUE — AICTI's chosen test administration vendor for computer-based tests (CBT). Pearson VUE has hundreds of testing locations with convenient hours.

Scoring — A passing score is determined using an established scientific method that statistically analyzes input from subject-matter experts to match exam results with levels of knowledge expected of the testing candidates. AICTI uses a scaled score for consistency across all exams.

Scaled Score — A sliding scale between 0 and 700, with 500 as the lowest passing score.

Score Report — The document that describes how a candidate performed on the exam. Scores of 500 or above are indicated with pass. Scores below 500 include the scaled score for the exam and, for multiple-domain exams, percent correct for each domain or section. Pearson VUE provides an unofficial score report immediately after completion of the test. The official score report is available for download from the candidate portal within two weeks of the exam date.

Experience — Experience requirements are determined by industry experts and peers during the program development process. The Experience Application includes work history, performance measures, and at higher levels, a major project write-up and personal recommendation.

Experience Application — AICTI reviews experience applications on a first come, first served basis within 90 days** of meeting the testing requirement. Upon completion of the review, if all requirements are met, AICTI issues certification.

Review Status Message (RSM) — RSMs are sent through the candidate portal to all candidates that apply for certification but do not meet established requirements. The message describes the requirements that still need to be met and what to do next for the candidate to be awarded certification. It may take up to 60 days from date of receipt for RSM responses to be evaluated.

Fees — The application fee includes an initial review and one review of additional material. (See Fees page.)

Work History — A complete description of positions held and work performed. All work activities, regardless of relevance to the certification, should be included.

Performance Measures — A set of activities that a supervisor or someone in a supervisory capacity must verify that the candidate has performed satisfactorily. This section of the application must be completed by the verifier.

Verifier — A responsible and technically competent individual who is in a position to inspect and/or approve the applicant's work and verify that the candidate has demonstrated general competencies, specific accomplishments, and project work related to the certification.

Personal Recommendation — Must be completed by professionals who are familiar with the technical capabilities and background of the applicant and can attest to the technical quality, responsibility, and ethics demonstrated in the applicant's work experience. A Personal Recommendation is a requirement for Levels III and IV.

Recommender — A  professional who is familiar with the technical capabilities and background of the applicant and can attest to the technical quality, responsibility, and ethics demonstrated in the applicant’s work experience.

AICTI accepts recommendations from licensed professional engineers and AICTI Level IV technicians. AICTI will also accept recommendations from other professionals such as registered land surveyors, senior engineering technicians, graduate engineers, architects, geologists, scientists, fire marshals, code officials, or officials of other authorities having jurisdiction appropriate for the certification.

The person who completes the recommendation form cannot be a current or a previous verifier for the candidate, i.e., provide the Performance Measure verifications for the candidate.

AICTI will not accept recommendation forms that are completed by relatives, peers, or subordinates of the applicant.

Major Project Write-Up — A separate document that describes a major project in which the candidate has held substantial responsibility. It describes the purpose of the project, the candidate's role in the project, and the system involved in the project.

Certification DocumentsCandidates may download a digital certification from MY CERTIFICATIONS in your candidate portal. If you would like us to send a hard copy certificate (suitable for framing), wallet card, and approval letter (at no additional charge), please complete the form at credential/creds .

Levels — Career Track Certifications allow individuals with varying levels of knowledge and experience to earn certification. All programs have a Level I for entry level applicants. Individuals may progress through the levels as their careers progress by demonstrating increased knowledge and skills. The highest levels showcase the individuals' experience and expertise.

Recertification — Certifications must be renewed every three years. The process includes Continuing Professional Development and recertification fees. (See Recertification page.)

*Online Access — AICTI's customer portal provides access to the individual's records and testing applications. Individuals who have previously applied to AICTI may Login using information already on file. First-time applicants may set up a New Account .

**Express — Evaluation of experience applications may be expedited for an additional fee. (See Fees page.)