
Good training teaches the knowledge and skills needed to perform well on the job. We recognize that training comes in many forms, companies and agencies have different resources, and individuals have different learning styles.  AICTI does not prescribe any one specific training course, school or provider and allows customers to choose the training that works best for them. Training and professional certification are vital to developing a qualified workforce.

The first step is to know the certification description and requirements for which program you are seeking. AICTI offers more than a dozen specialty certifications and picking the appropriate certification for you, your employer and any requirements that may exist is essential. Each program has a description of the profile for the job function for which the certification is intended.

Content Outlines

For most people, taking and passing the AICTI exams is their biggest concern, so here are the resources AICTI provides for exam preparation. Within each program AICTI provides Content Outlines for the exams. These outlines contain the material covered on the exam with percentages of questions for each section. Each section contains a footnote to the references used to develop the questions for that section.

Reference Materials

AICTI also provides a list of references for each exam. The list includes the references that may be brought to the exam center and all the references that a candidate should be familiar with before taking the exam. For more information, click here .

Practice Tests

Many of our programs have online practice tests to help you get familiar with the content and the exam interface. While we do provide feedback at the end with percent correct in each section, performance on the practice test is not necessarily an accurate predictor of how you will perform on the certification exam. Read the descriptions carefully before purchasing .

Work History

AICTI lists the experience requirements on the program pages of our website. It is important to understand the specific experience needed to meet the certification requirements. The experience you gain from being on the job will help you pass the exams. For more information, click here .

Performance Measures

Each program at each level has a set of performance activities that someone in a supervisory capacity must verify you have performed competently to meet the certification requirements. Reading, understanding, and practicing these performance activities will help you on the exams.

Recognized Training Providers

AICTI has agreements with industry associations, colleges, technical schools and training companies. The listing is intended to help you find training that works best for you. AICTI does not review, monitor, or endorse training programs and materials. For more information, click here .