Work Experience

Just like AICTI certification exam content, experience requirements are established through a consensus of industry subject matter experts and practitioners. All of AICTI’s certification programs have a specific requirements chart that, in addition to listing the exams that must be passed, describes the minimum experience for each level. Experience requirements include: Performance, Work History, Recommendations, and Major Project Write-up.

Performance Measures (all levels)

A set of activities that a supervisor or someone in a supervisory capacity must verify that the candidate has performed satisfactorily. This section of the application must be completed by the verifier.


A current or previous supervisor as listed in the candidate’s documented work history. The verifier does not have to be certified by AICTI but must be a responsible and technically competent individual who is, or was, in a position and authority to directly supervise, inspect and/or approve the applicant's work and verify that the candidate has demonstrated the required competencies, specific accomplishments, and project work related to the certification subfield and level.

A verifier cannot be a nontechnical supervisor, a peer, or a subordinate of the candidate.

Company owners, company presidents and others in positions of similar hierarchies must find someone outside their company to serve as their verifiers, e.g., authority having jurisdiction, general contractor, engineering consultant, licensed engineers, etc.

If a candidate has identified multiple current direct supervisors, the performance verification may be provided by a single verifier or a combination of verifiers as applicable. Each verifier must complete a Verifier Data form.

When needed and in situations of conflict or discrepancy, a verifier of record may be requested by AICTI to clarify claims, inconsistencies, or endorse and sign-off on the candidates documented work history submittals attesting and confirming to their accuracy and completeness.

Personal Recommendation (Levels III and IV)

An attestation of the technical quality, responsibility, and ethics demonstrated in the applicant's work experience by a professional who is familiar with the technical capabilities and background of the applicant.


A  professional who is familiar with the technical capabilities and background of the applicant and can attest to the technical quality, responsibility, and ethics demonstrated in the applicant’s work experience.

AICTI accepts recommendations from licensed professional engineers and AICTI Level IV technicians. AICTI will also accept recommendations from other professionals such as registered land surveyors, senior engineering technicians, graduate engineers, architects, geologists, scientists, fire marshals, code officials, or officials of other authorities having jurisdiction appropriate for the certification.

The person who completes the recommendation form cannot be a current or a previous verifier for the candidate, i.e., provide the Performance Measure verifications for the candidate.

AICTI will not accept recommendation forms that are completed by relatives, peers, or subordinates of the applicant.

Work History (all levels)

A complete and detailed record of employment history with dates, employers, locations, positions held, status, supervisors and work performed. All work activities, regardless of relevance to the certification, should be included.

First-time applicants (and those specifically directed by AICTI): For the span of your entire career, add and complete an entry for each position held at each employer and for any period within a given position in which your responsibilities changed significantly.

Returning applicants (upgrades to higher levels and additional subfields) and to document Active Practitioner points toward recertification: Follow the instructions above solely for the period of time from the end date of your last work history submittal to the date you submit a new application. If you previously submitted paper, PDF, scanned, etc. documents and do not know the date of your last submission contact AICTI.

This section contains three pieces per entry-- the Subfield/Technical Area (S/TA) selection, the percentage allocation, and the detailed description. The detailed description should be your own words of the work you performed.

The description at a minimum should include:

  • specific duties performed per your position / title
  • Detail the technical and supervisory nature of the work.
  • typical equipment, systems, and components that you have sold, designed, installed, tested, inspected, and/or maintained
  • specific Calculations and Layouts
  • specific tests and inspections you have performed
  • typical projects types which you have worked
  • Copying the same description for each Subfield/Technical Area (S/TA), Position, or employer is not acceptable.
  • While various positions may perform similar functions, each requires descriptions of specific duties and tasks performed in different roles and/or at different employers .

Work History Description - Format and Examples

As a [Position/Title] I performed the following duties [ sold, designed, installed, tested, inspected, and/or maintained] [ sub-field systems]. This included [supervisory positions] . (For LEVEL III / IV)[include managerial roles per certification requirements)

In the performance of my duties I worked on [ typical projects types ] [ typical equipment, systems, and components] [technical nature /specific Calculations and Layouts ], [specific tests and inspections you have performed].

Major Project Write-Up (Level IV)

A separate document that describes a major project the candidate has held substantial responsibility. It describes the purpose of the project, the candidate role in the project, and the system involved in the project.

Experience Application

Experience documentation must be completed in the candidate’s online profile. They may be submitted anytime but AICTI only reviews experience applications once the exam requirement is met. Reviews are completed on a first come, first served basis and we strive to complete the review within 90 days of meeting the exam requirement. Upon completion of the review, AICTI awards certification or contacts the candidate with information on what is deficient and instructions on required action to meet the certification requirements.